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CPA and CrossFit Master

CPA and CrossFit Master's Champion | Still Got It Series

The choices we make today will compound and affect our tomorrow. In the Still Got It series, we are highlighting people who have made fitness a priority and experiencing compounding results. 

Meet Stephen Angove. He's my Dad and the fittest 68 yr old I know, he runs his own accounting business, has 11 grandchildren, and is a CrossFit Master's Champion. 

In his 60’s he hit his fitness prime and became the strongest and fittest he had ever been, going to the Crosssfit Games 5x including placing 2nd in the world in the Masters division. 

1. Can you share who you are and what you do to stay fit?

I'm Stephen Angove, I'm 68 and I've been doing CrossFit for almost 10 years. Before CrossFit, I was a P90X fanatic.

2. What are some of the challenges you face with scheduling “fitness” into your daily routine?

Tax season can be rough. If I can't get to my local CrossFit gym, I'll do a workout at home.

3. Why do you make fitness a priority?

I feel so much better after working out. More confident, better attitude, think clearer and sleep better.

4. What would you tell someone who doesn’t think that they have the time or energy to make their health and fitness a priority?

I would make it a habit or you will pay for it later in life.

5. What are the results or compounding effects of your habits over the years?

I'm not limited in my activities. I love being able to still compete at the CrossFit gym with guys half my age and I can keep up with my grandkids, travel, hike, without restriction.

6. Are there any “Still Got It” goals you want to achieve?

I'm still working at being a better swimmer but my ultimate goal is for my grandkids to see that Papa "still has it" and to be able to hold my own in the gym as my grandkids get older and we start working out together.

My Dad is an example of how your body can regenerate itself when you apply the right stimulus. You can grow stronger, improve your cardiovascular and respiratory systems and look and feel your best at any age.

If you want to see how The CPA is challenging himself, follow him on Instagram @sangovecpa. 

How do you build fitness into your life? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.
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