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Is All Protein Created Equal?

Is All Protein Created Equal?

Are you wanting to make gains in your workouts, tone up, or perhaps improve your blood sugar levels?

Before loading up on the latest protein fad, consider that protein is information for our bodies. 

What kind of information are we delivering to our cells by consuming a protein supplement?

Proteins control nearly every biochemical reaction in our body. The sequence of amino acids making up the protein determines the function of that protein. 

There are nine essential amino acids (meaning we must obtain them from food) and 11 nonessential amino acids. However, arginine, glutamine, cysteine and tyrosine are conditionally essential because they must be manufactured from other amino acids.   Without these essential amino acids being consumed regularly and in abundance our body will begin to malfunction at all levels.

If a food contains all nine essential amino acids it is called a complete protein. Goat Whey protein is a complete protein, just like fish, meat, poultry and eggs. Vegetables, beans and grains though they contain protein are incomplete due to their low essential amino acid levels.

Whey isn’t just for Athletes

For the athlete looking to derive the greatest benefit and quickest recovery from their workouts, using Goat Whey protein within 30-40 minutes post workout is paramount. Whey protein has an insulinogenic effect, meaning it causes the beta cells in our pancreas to produce more insulin.  This is a beautiful thing post exertion because heightened insulin levels will promote movement of sugars and amino acids into the muscles cells to refurbish glycogen stores and enable protein synthesis.

But it doesn’t stop there.  Whey protein also effects the gut-brain axis and the hypothalamus leading to overall appetite suppression.  This is vital for the person who is trying to stay lean or get lean while increasing their fitness.

The coupling of the feeling of satiety from ingesting Whey, along with its effect on enhancing insulin and incretin secretion, which leads to decreased blood glucose levels throughout the day has lead to whey protein being suggested as a management tool in type 2 diabetes.  Decreased post- prandial glucose is essential to minimize the aging process in healthy people and diabetics.

Whey vs Casein

Generally whey protein is a more attractive protein for regular supplementation because of its higher proportion of branched chain amino acids. Increased solubility in the acidic environment of the stomach, allows it to be more rapidly digested. Studies have also demonstrated that whey protein peak amino acid levels are higher in the plasma then compared to casein. Casein though having some anti-catabolic benefits also is more allergenic in nature.

Goat vs Dairy Whey

The major difference comes in the fact that goat whey forms smaller clumps in the stomach when digested compared to cow whey. This allows the goat whey to digest more efficiently and cause less digestive distress.  Amazingly countless people who can’t have cow whey due to allergies or intolerance issues can consume goat whey without issue. 

Why are you using your current protein? 


Whey protein: The “whey” forward for treatment of type 2 diabetes? World Journal of Diabetes. 2015 Oct 25; 6(14): 1274–1284.

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